not bad here is some constructive criticism.
first off your choice in music. FFX to zanarken?
well its a cool tune but as of now it is so overused its not funny. that soaks your originality.
on the scene where it zooms out from the train. it is disperportionate to the rest of the environment. nothing big just ruins what could be a good scene.
the japanese kanji. I gotta ask. did you use japanese font and simply type " dual arms" with it. if so that title kanji is more than likely incorrect.
also the obscure text being used. (japanese kanji probably), do you understand it yourself. Probably not right?
So maybe not do the japanese text. It can look cool but in this case it was tacky.
The rest is decent. Nothing i can criticise directly. Just keep practicing.
and maybe change your username. to something other than RPGsROK. just me being picky, take no offense. Keep it as is. Just try to develop a more recognisable name. thats all
good times.
yours truely Dizimz